
My Android Hello World Program

Monday, October 29, 2012 Posted by Glenn

Hi guys, I just successfully made this Hello World Program in Android Programming.
Basically, in android programming, you have or you will learn on how to program XML (though its not a programming language, its a mark up language just like the html); JAVA (the powerful one! oh yea!); C; OpenGL, and etc..

For me, as a beginner, it is quite hard to make such a program. :) But I can feel that I'll soon be able to familiarize in coding of android programs.

Anyway, here's the screen shot of my program HAHAHA. LOL. Basically, I just edited the String.XML file inside the values of my project.

The program says (in jejemon language lol): "EoowxZ PfuHhzxz Android Programming World" :))
so that's it!!!

additional tags: jejemon hellow owrld, hello world in jejemon, super basic android programming, android progeramming, my very first android program

glenn von

Author: Glenn Posadas

20 year old 5th year Computer Engineering Student, a blogger, photographer, programmer, and an electronics hobbyist; a Christian who loves God very much..

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