
Assembly Language 8086 determine if a character is capital or small

Wednesday, August 1, 2012 Posted by Glenn 1 comments

additional tags: determine if the character is small or capital, assembly programming 8086 sample program, character tutorial in assembly program language 8086, determine if capital or small characters in assembly 8086

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Assembly Language 8086 convert small character to capital

Posted by Glenn 0 comments

additional tags: print the small character into capital letter, conversion of characters in assembly language programming 8086, programming 8086 assembly language conversion of small characters to capital.

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Assembly Language 8086 Determine the character if Vowel or Consonant

Posted by Glenn 0 comments

additional tags: print if the character input is a vowel or consonant, determine in assembly language programming 8086 if the input character is a vowel or consonant, how to determine if it is a vowel or consonant, vowel and consonant in assembly language program

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No sound on youtube or any other website

Sunday, July 29, 2012 Posted by Glenn 0 comments

article by: Glenn Posadas


So, you came here because you are already annoyed about your laptop or computer that produces no sound on any other websites (video streaming sites). You already have checked the main volume control and the sound card. You can play any music or sound clips in your computer and they are all okay. You already checked out other videos and all of them produce no sound.

The answer is simple:
check it out:


by the way guys, there are two ways to fix this:
1. Go to REDEDIT (click START and search or Run REGEDIT)
then find this:
My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Drivers32

And then on the right pane, right click and click on New, select String value, enter "wavemapper" (without quotes of course), right click > MODIFY> ENTER "msacm32.drv" in Value Data, ENTER.

The second way is:
2. go to start >> search or run >>
then type this: "Volume" or "Adjust Volume Control".
Then check if the default browser is muted. :)

Voila! And we are done! :) woo

additional tags: No sound on youtube or any other website, no sound on player, no sound on youtube, no sound on video streaming site, no sound on any website, no sound on youtube video card is okay.

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