

About the Author:

20-year old incoming 5th year Computer Engineering Student Glenn Von Posadas was born on February 23, 1993. He’s a blogger, not a full time though, as well as a freelance photographer. He covers Debuts, Wedding, and does some photoshoots when he’s not busy in school stuffs. He is also a programmer and an electronics hobbyist. He is a lover of God, lover of his girlfriend, his family and his friends.
Glenn is a tree hugger. He dreams of having a super happy –quite-rich family with his current girlfriend and future wife. He has plans in changing the Philippines' future by inventing some technology someday, including the distribution of hydrogen-fueled motors for the Public Utility Jeepneys in the Philippines.

About Glenn's Space:

Glenn's Space started in year 2009 as a photoblog, and was suddenly converted into a random-topic-blog which disucsses/teachers/shares many things about technology, the author's life, photography, programming tutorials and etc...

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  1. iAn

    hey, photographer, puede ba akong maging model? ahaha, kidding..

  2. Thank you very much for such a very informative and entertaining blogs! :D

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