
It is hard to be a poor photographer

Sunday, June 5, 2011 Posted by Glenn

For me, having limited gears in photography is like uhmmm a painter having only black and white water color. lol Lemmie enumerate my gears for you.

Camera: Nikon D40

This camera is cool. I'm fine with it. I bought it last 2 or 3 years for P24,000.00 I think. A gift from my step dad. Like what I've said, I 'm cool with this camera, BUT, a very big butt i mean but, it has a limited function. No bracketting exposure, no live view, no video, no built-in motor for AF lens. SAD. what I want to buy is the Nikon D90. But that is merely a DREAM for me


Speedlights/Flashes: SB-600 and YN460-II

I bought my SB-600 last year, it was a gift from my mother because I had a scholarship in my university. lol. SB-600 costs more than P13,000.00 at that time. And the Yongnuo460-II, I bought it, yeah really, it is because of my sideline (as a debut photographer) lol.
It costs P3,500.00 as far as I know. SB-600 is great for me, I use this as my main light. On the other hand, the YN460-II by Yongnuo is much cheaper than the SBs from nikon. IF only I can get in the past, I won't buy the Nikon SB-600. I would still prefer the Yongnuo. I suggest you guys buy Yongnuo flashes if you don't use TTL or TTLbl. I use the YN460-II merely as a slave flash. It's great and cheap! These 2 lights are not enough for me. I will buy another Yonguo flash if there will be a 2 debutant who will choose me as their photographer.

I am a dreamer, merely a guy who dreams everyday. I always say to myself, "WHAT IF... I got my dream lenses?"
By the way, you might saying to yourself at this time, "man, gears in photography doesn't really matter". Well, I say to you, "fake you!" haha. You don't know how it feels to be a poor photographer. I have to work, I mean, I have to chase a 17 year old woman who is going to be 18 soon. In short, I have to cover a debut in order for me to save money for my dream gears.

My dream lenses are:

1. Nikkor 35mm f1.8 - God, give me this lens and I will do my very best to glorify your name thru photography. Well, I have a 50mm 1.8 now, but damn!, it is not okay with me. It is an AF lens. Meaning, it isn't autofocus when it comes to my Nikon D40 camera. I need an AF-S lens. huhu. Well, this lens worth more or less P11,000.00.

2. Tamron 70-300mm with Macro - When shooting a debut, I always borrow this lens from my friend. lol. But I really wanted to buy this lens just for me, I do not want to borrow anymore. I'm sick of it. lol.

Now, I'm really into portraits. I'm shooting people you know. I do not own a studio. But I dream of that everyday. This month, I was really busy with cleaning the other house of my mother and we painted the walls with white color as well as black to serve as a background. But even buying a paint for my so-called tambayan/studio is hard for me. lol. My only hopes to receive my dream lenses (either of the two) are these:

  • Pray to God; and
  • Study hard(again?) to receive a scholarship this semester

I beg you Jesus! ^_^.
that's all.

glenn von

Author: Glenn Posadas

20 year old 5th year Computer Engineering Student, a blogger, photographer, programmer, and an electronics hobbyist; a Christian who loves God very much..

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  1. pasensya na at ngayon lang..matatagalan bago uli ako bumalik dito..keep blogging.. :)

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