Louise Debut
Saturday, May 28, 2011
La Fieste es engrande. This means, the party is grand. I'm studying spanish all by myself. Well, anyways, this post is about Louise's Debut. The debutant is beautiful, but she has a boyfriend. lol.
It was hard to cover such party when you are a timid person like me. First, I'm gonna show you my first video ever made in a debut. I just taught my assistant (marvin) on how to take a video and then I combined all clips. *note: the video has a poor quality lol*
It was hard to cover such party when you are a timid person like me. First, I'm gonna show you my first video ever made in a debut. I just taught my assistant (marvin) on how to take a video and then I combined all clips. *note: the video has a poor quality lol*
Going on, Here are some of the photos that I've taken... click the photos to ENLARGE.
That's all folks! To know my rates in convering a debut, click here.!
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