Thursday, March 17, 2011 Posted by Glenn

I've learned something after my neighbor brought her laptop to me. She wanted me to remove the virus in her laptop.
The name of the virus that i have found is: update.exe
It is a virus, a trojan virus that makes a folder named "winivid.exe" in your flash drives and adds a .exe program in your folder. When you click a folder in a flash drive came from her infected laptop, your computer will suddenly be affected too.

So, how do we stop the virus process using msconfig?

Step 1: Click Start>>click Run>>type MSCONFIG.

Step 2: Press Enter. The System Configuration Utility box will appear and click on Services tab.

Step 3: Find the "dupdate.exe" and "update.exe" and another "update.exe"

Step 4: Uncheck the box of the three .exe processes.

Step 5: Click apply and click close then reboot your computer.

Note: The virus is still there. You may find the update.exe virus in your C: local settings folder and delete it after you close the process in your computer by pressing CTR+ALT+DELETE.
I find this process helpful.

Good Luck and cheers!

glenn von

Author: Glenn Posadas

20 year old 5th year Computer Engineering Student, a blogger, photographer, programmer, and an electronics hobbyist; a Christian who loves God very much..

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