
How to take photos of fireworks

Monday, April 18, 2011 Posted by Glenn

How to take photos of fireworks easily?

Here's what you need:

1. PATIENCE - Why? All photographers have patience and all aspiring photographers should have such virtue. Ok, if you don't have patience, then quit. haha. Try this: Quantity over Quality. Trials and Errors. When I'm shooting fireworks here in our subdivision, darn, so many wires! How can I even get a nice photo if I don't have a terrace, our house has no second floor and another problem is what I've mentioned earlier, the $!@$!@$!@ Wires. haha! So if you have no stable place to shoot fireworks, you need this virtue. I recommend shooting in Mall of Asia every Friday Nights(correct me if I am right. lol). You don't need to exert much patience there, you just need time.

2. TRIPOD - Why? Of course, you cannot draw nicely using a pencil without a sharpener.

3. CAMERA w/ full control of Shutter speed/Aperture - Why? Ask the moon, and the sun will answer you. Joke. :) haha. You cannot record the movement of the fireworks if you only have a point and shoot camera.

All of the requirements above are really necessary.

Here is my technique since in my place, there are many electrical wires of Meralco, I run from place to place. :) I set my ISO to 200 (if your camera has an ISO of 100, set it to 100). And then calibrate your shutter speed to 1/5 to 10 seconds I think. and make your aperture smaller so that your shutter speed and your aperture will be balanced as well as the light.

Here are my sample photos during the entrance of 2011.

That's All People!

glenn von

Author: Glenn Posadas

20 year old 5th year Computer Engineering Student, a blogger, photographer, programmer, and an electronics hobbyist; a Christian who loves God very much..

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