
How to hide your lastname on Facebook 2013

Sunday, September 1, 2013 Posted by Glenn

Article by: Glenn Posadas

Removing the Last Name of yours or hiding it on facebook seems quite impossible, right? Well I have learned this one technique that will let you do that freely.

Apparently, people in Indonesia doesn't have a last name. lol. Just my guess. Anyways, let us go to the purpose of this blog. REMOVING YOUR LAST NAME ON FACEBOOK!


-I am not responsible if someone important is searching for you/your name on facebook.
-This method will surely make the searching query of facebook to find you.
-Note that you can only change your name on facebook THRICE!!!

1. Download this Google Chrome Browser Extension: CLICK HERE!

2. Install the Extension.
3. Go to Facebook. Click the gear icon and then go to ACCOUNT SETTINGS.
Select the Language and change it to BAHASA INDONESIA. Note that you can change it to English again later.

4. Now restart your browser. Close it. Open the Google Chrome again. Do you see the GEOPROXY you've downloaded and installed a while ago? It is located below the CLOSE,MIN.MAXIMIZE buttons.
5. Click it, Select Indonesia and then click SEARCH! Now you have to test each and every PROXY IPs given there. Select one, I recommend starting from the last IP :). After that, restart your browser again and see if you can connect to facebook. If you can, then you are successful!
6. If successful, go to Facebook, remove your Last Name, and then input your password and save changes.

Please do not forget to select GEOPROXY again and click DO NOT USE PROXY. Lastly, restart your browser.

additional tags: how to hide your surname on facebook, how to hide your family name on facebook 2013, how to, how to display only your first name on facebook, how to facebook 2013, facebook hack, facebook secrects, facebook indonesia.

glenn von

Author: Glenn Posadas

20 year old 5th year Computer Engineering Student, a blogger, photographer, programmer, and an electronics hobbyist; a Christian who loves God very much..

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