
Convert a string into capital Assembly Language

Saturday, October 29, 2011 Posted by Glenn 0 comments

;author: glenn posadas www.glennvon.com

@ps macro st
mov ah,09h
lea dx, st
int 21h

@pc macro var
mov ah,02h
mov dl,var
int 21h

cseg segment para 'code'
assume cs:cseg,ds:cseg,es:cseg,ss:cseg
org 100h

start: jmp begin
glenn db ?

s1 label byte
maxlen db 41 ; 40 is max
len db ?
val db 41 dup(?)

s2 db 'Enter a string(small caps max:40): $'
s3 db 10,13,'Input: $'
s4 db 10,13,'Output: $'

count db ?
madeline db ? ;holds the characters


mov ax,03h
int 10h

@ps s2
mov ah,0Ah
lea dx,s1
int 21h

@ps s3 ;display na ung ininput
lea bx,val
mov al,len ;transfer muna dito, kasi bawal ang len to count
mov count,al

iput: ;input
mov al,[bx] ;ililipat mo ung isaisang laman ng bx sa al,tapos inc bx
mov madeline,al
@pc madeline
inc bx
dec count
cmp count,0
jnz iput

@ps s4
lea bx,val
mov al,len
mov count,al

oput: ;output
mov al,[bx]
mov madeline,al
sub madeline,32
@pc madeline
inc bx
dec count
cmp count,0
jnz oput
je exit


int 20h
cseg ends
end start

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The Mechanics of Individual Prices

Thursday, October 27, 2011 Posted by Glenn 0 comments

Prices of goods and services

  • Many individuals do not really understand how prices of goods and services are being determined. Many people think that prices are determined by the goverment. This is true in some basic goods such as rice,gasoline,or apartment rent. But if government prices are much lower or higher than real market prices, then both sellers and buyers are affected. the role of the price system has been crucial in the operations of the economy.
  • Price is the value of a produce or service. It is expressed in terms of monetary unit like peso, dollar or yen. This simply means that goods and services are being acquired by the people by paying them with their money.
  • It is the schedule of various quantities of commodities which buyers are willing and able to purchase at a given price, time and place.
Law of Demand
  • As price increases, quantity demanded decreases, and as price decreases, quantity demanded increases.
  • Such theory is only true if the assumption of ceteris paribus is applied. It means no change of income, taste or population.
  • People buy more goods and services as price decreases, and buy less goods and services as price rises. The rise in price of a certain product reduces the quantity demanded for such product.
  • It is the schedule of various quantities of commodities which producers are willing and able to produce and offer at a given price, place and time.
Law of Supply
  • As price increases, quantitiy supply also increases; and as price decreases, quantity supply also decreases.
  • Producers are willing and able to produce and offer more goods at a higher price than at a lower price.
Law of Demand and Supply
  • When asupply is greater than demand, price decreases. When demand is greater than supply, price increases. When supply is equal to demand, price remains constant. This is the market price or equilibrium price.
Determinants of Demand
  • Income-people buy more goods when income increases. Thus a change in income brings out a change in the demand for goods and services.
  • Population-more people means more demand for goods and services. More consumers in urban-that is why more buyers in the city stores than in barrio stores. The presence of American soldiers in Clark Base in Angeles, Pampanga has greatly increased the demand for goods and services in that area.
  • Taste and preferences-increases when people like them. Influenced by advertisement or fashion.
  • Price expectation-buy more goods if prices will rise in the next days, weeks or months. And decrease if the demand will fall.
  • Prices of related goods-people choose the competitor if the price of the product they want to buy increase. there are complementary products are those that go together like bow and arrow. If the price of arrow rises then the demand for bow decreases.
Determinants of Supply
  • Technology
  • Cost of Production
  • Number of Sellers
  • Price of other goods
  • Price expectations
  • Taxes and subsidies

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Hotel and Restaurant Management course, worthless?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011 Posted by Glenn 1 comments


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How to post slideshow presentation on blogger posts

Posted by Glenn 0 comments

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Economic System Models

Tuesday, October 25, 2011 Posted by Glenn 0 comments

1. Capitalism

  • factors of production and distribution are owned and managed by private individuals or corporations. Similar terms like market economy, free enterprise economy, or laissez faire economy. Laissez faire means no government intervention in economic affairs. The essential characteristics of capitalism are private property, economic freedom, free competition and profit motive.
2. Communism
  • Exactly opposite of capitalism. The factors of production and distribution are owned and management by the state. It is also called a command economy or classless society. The essential of communism are no private property, no free competition (the government is the only seller) no economic freedoms, no profit motive, presence of central planning.
3. Socialism
  • It is a combination of capitalism and communism. the major and strategic industries are owned and managed by the state while the minor industries belong to the private-sector. Examples of major industries are transportation, electrification, mining, etc. Minor industries are candies, cakes, toys, etc.

How to judge an Economic System

1. Abundace-this refers to goods and services that individual members of society have received.
2. Growth-measurable in terms of the number of buildings, houses, schools, cars, hospitals, factories or machines made in a given year. However, destructive fruits like pollution,drug abuse, and sex crimes.
3. Stability-this refers to the absence of inflation and unemployment.
4. Security-It depends on economic stability.
5. Efficiency-it means productivity.
6. Justice and Equity-Fair distribution of wealth, no big gap between the poor and the rich.
7. Economic freedom-freedom to choose his food, style of houses, appliances, recreation, education, etc.

Goal of Economics

  • Economic Growth
  • Full Employment
  • Price stability
  • Economic freedom
  • Equitable distribution of wealth and income
  • Economic Security

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Branches of Economics

Monday, October 24, 2011 Posted by Glenn 0 comments

1. Microeconomics- It deals with the economic behavior of individual units and constitutes a very small segment of the whole economy.
2. Macroeconomics- It deals with the economic behavior of the whole economy.

Fundamental economic Questions:

1. what goods and services to produce and how much?
-investors are willing to produce goods and services which give them good profit.
2. how to produce the goods and services?
Goods and services must be produced in the most efficient manner to maximize profit.
-use of efficient technology.
3. For who are the goods and services?
-For those who have money and are willing to purchase them.

Economic systems

  • An economic system is a set of economic institutions that dominates a given economy. An institution is a set of rules of conduct, established ways of thinking, or ways of doing things. Examples are taxation, profit motive, economic planning, production or banking.
  • The principal objective of an economic system is to solve the basic economic problems. They have varied concepts, strategies, and ways of improving the living conditions of their peoples. However, all economic systems have one common goal: high standard of living for all their citizens.

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Quiboloy's Church as a Cult

Posted by Glenn 0 comments

Article by: and

Apollo Quiboloy is a typical example of many of errors that various cults demonstrate.
Note: All Quotes of Quiboloy are from His Website

Warning Sign # 1: Radical Exclusivism

Description: When you encounter a minister or ministry where only they have access to the “real” truth and it is something God has only given them, you should avoid them.
Quiboloy: “But as I said, I would not be distracted. What I am revealing to you, as it was revealed to me, was not revealed to others; that’s why nobody knows about it. And nobody can preach about it like I do.”
Analysis: This sort of exclusivism immediately sets off warning alarms, when a 'Christian' group starts asserting that you can only be blessed, successful and hear God's word preached like this with them we must be immediately on our guard. His TV shows, sermons and website are full of Scripture, but unfortunately he gives only his personal interpretation. Sadly his interpretation gives his audience no context, historical background or the view that Christians have held the text to mean for nearly two thousand years. This has meant he can make the most outrageous claims about himself whilst using scripture where Jesus is clearly talking about himself.
Quiboloy: “I am the way the truth the life no man cometh unto the Father except by ME [Quiboloy].”
Analysis: He has the audacity to use this piece of Scripture that comes straight out of Jesus' mouth in John 14:6to describe himself to his followers! Jesus’ warning in Matthew 24 especially applies to Quiboloy.

Warning Sign #2: Undermining of Jesus’ Work on the Cross

Description: As Christians we should all know that Jesus sacrifice on the cross was enough, nothing else is needed! On the cross Jesus said, “It is finished” (John 19:30). We are saved by grace alone (Eph. 2:8-9), through faith alone (Rom. 4:5; Eph. 2:8-10), in Christ alone (John 14:6; Acts 4:12). However, cults undermine the cross by saying that there is something extra that you need to do, which only they can provide.
“Pastor” Quiboloy in the following quote clearly undermines the cross.
Quiboloy: “When the Begotten Son in the Jewish setting, our Lord Jesus Christ, came and paid the price of our redemption through His death on the cross, salvation did not end there. He was waiting for a descendant [Pastor Quiboloy] of the First Adam to be born in His Spirit.”
Analysis: Jesus would disagree as John records in his gospel (Jn. 19:30). When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished,” and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. You see that is the difference, these self proclaimed prophets are always proclaiming that there’s something new that we have missed just like the Gnostics; however, Jesus makes it quite clear to us that what he did on the cross was enough. "It is finished." Nothing else is needed. The door to salvation is open to all and we have no need for "Pastor" Quiboloy to come and offer us a new way when the old way has been working quite well.
Quiboloy: I was able to finish His work (John 17:4). I have completed the spiritual component of salvation which was not completed during the Jewish Age and the Church Age. I am the Father’s finish product of what He had done on the cross. (Rev. 21:7)
Another pretty outrageous claim since from our research so far all he has done is gotten kicked out of the United Pentecostal Church and replaced it with his own version of "Church." Except where Jesus was once in the center, he's now been replaced by "Pastor" Quiboloy in every example. "Pastor Quiboloy even defends this method on his website by stating that:
“Because I am the Appointed Son of God and that is my role. Even in the Jewish setting, our Lord Jesus Christ’s role was being the Begotten Son of God that’s why He always used Himself as an example....”
He makes himself more than clear: Jesus simply wasn't enough. In his view God actually needed someone else to finish the job and a new messenger to pass on a new message and new gospel which is something Christians are clearly warned about in the New Testament. If one thing is clear, it's that what Quiboloy is teaching is contrary to the Gospel Jesus brought to us and must be considered to be another gospel and a false one at that, just as Paul describes in Galations 1:8-9: "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed."

Warning Sign #3: Financial Motivation

Description: Many times there is financial motivation, this is to say the self proclaimed 'Prophet' usually becomes very, very wealthy and encourages their followers that they can be wealthy like them if they closely obey what they are taught. This is usually done by implementing a rigorous guilt-ridden tithing system that they support by proof-texting from certian parts of the Old Testament. "Pastor" Quiboloy is just like the rest who use certain biblical texts such as Malachi 3:10 and Deuteronomy 28 to scare his followers into giving him lots of their well earned cash and possessions. But at least he leads by example:
Quiboloy: “The Son [Pastor Quiboloy] has been blessed thus far because he is the number 1 giver! Did you know that the Son [Pastor Quiboloy] would give 90% as his tithe and offering and leave the 10% for himself? That is why we should not be surprised why the Almighty Father has blessed the Son [Pastor Quiboloy] with everything.”
Quiboloy: “The Father has seen that the more He has blessed the Son [Pastor Quiboloy], the more committed, trustworthy, honest, loyal and generous he has become. The more has the Father been able to use him for His purposes.”
Analysis: You see it must be that God is blessing him and certainly not the fact that he has millions of people financially supporting his ministry. It must be God, how else would he end up with all the mansions, land and private jets?
Tithing is not what we are discussing here, but this simply gives us an example of how people can twist scripture and use it in a way that will get what they want. There are several things that 'Pastor' Quiboloy fails to tell his followers about tithing, such as:
  1. Only those under the 613 Mosaic Law are obligated to tithe while New Testament Christians are not.
  2. Nowhere in the New Testament is tithing taught or encouraged; only mentioned by Jesus in reference to the Pharisees who were under the Mosaic law (Mt. 23:23; Lk. 11:42).
  3. New Testament teaching is that we can give and should do but of our own free will, not grudgingly or under pressure (2 Cor. 8:5-12, 9:5-13). Giving is under grace not under law.
  4. Old Testament tithing was never giving 10% of your cash every week: Old Testament tithing involved crops, animals, etc., and these proceeds were used to support the poor, widows and orphans not to take from them.
Quiboloy’s claims that his followers should be tithing to support him are not biblical, and like many prosperity preachers today he is reinforcing and teaching things that are clearly false. We should always be wary of any ministry that focuses far too much time on tithing or being successful and rich. It was never Jesus' way and it shouldn't be our way either. 'Pastor' Quiboloy makes the mistake many do today, if your rich and successful God must be blessing you. Well a short study of early Christianity proves such a premise to be false. Just look at some of Jesus' closest disciples and we'll see how successful they were by Quilboloy's standards:
  • James - Beheaded
  • Thomas - Murdered in India
  • Simon, brother of Jude and James the younger - Crucified in Egypt
  • Simon Peter the Apostle - Crucified supposedly upside down
  • Mark - Burned alive
  • Bartholomew - Beaten, crucified and beheaded in Armenia
  • Andrew, Peter’s brother - Crucified in Archaia
  • Matthew - Speared to death
  • Philip - Stoned and crucified
It would appear quite clearly that judging how honest, committed, loyal and trustworthy someone is by their material possessions is to be honest is not just untrue but a disgrace to those around the world who give their lives on a daily basis in the face of vicious persecution.
  • http://www.kingdomofjesuschrist.org/2/faq/101questions.html; http://www.kingdomofjesuschrist.org/2/kd/the_financial_revolution.html; http://www.kingdomofjesuschrist.org/2/kd/the_spiritual_revolution.html; http://www.kingdomofjesuschrist.org/2/PACQ/life_and_calling.html; http://www.kingdomofjesuschrist.org/2/PACQ/message_of_the_son.html; http://www.kingdomofjesuschrist.org/2/kn/kingdomnation_timeline.html; http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/inquirerheadlines/nation/view/20100216-253439/Who-is-Pastor-Apollo-Quiboloy; http://www.letusreason.org/Cults20.htm; sources all accessed May 11th, 2010.
  • J. Foxe, Foxe's Christian Martyrs, Ohio, Barbour Publishing, 2005.

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The Subject Matter of Economics

Posted by Glenn 0 comments

Definition of Economics and its relation to other Social Science

  • It is the proper allocation and efficient use of available resources for the maximum satisfaction of human wants.
Nature of Economics
  • It is a social science
  • Economic problems are not purely economic in nature. These are also caused by no economic factors which may be cultural, educational, social or political. To solve the problem we need reforms in almost every aspects.
Methos of Economics
  • It uses scientific methods in gathering data, analyzing data and in making conclusions. Data are mostly obtained through observations and inter views. Conclusion are based on generalizations within the limits of certain specific assumptions.
  • The concept of ceteris paribus means "other things being equal or constant".
Summary of History of Economics
  • PLATO: idea of justice and division of labor
  • Adam Smith's book Wealth of Nations was published in 1776.
  • Smith as father of economics
  • Ideas of Smith: Free competition would promote the welfare of the individual as well as that of society, invisible hand, laissez faire.
  • Industrial Revolution in England.
  • Karl Marx: Communist Manifesto, bourgeoisie,proletariat, class consciousness, withering away of the state.

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